
Bootstrapping basically happens in 3 parts:

  1. Analysis of the environment
  2. Reading the configuration
  3. Firering up the global tool chain: DB, Caching, etc.

Running typo3/index.php:

* require vendor/autoload.php
    * This file is generated by composer to find all classes.
    * It is configurated by different composer.json files.
* new Frontend\Http\Application
    * bootstrap = Core\Bootstrap\getInstance (calls __construct)
        * getenv TYPO3_CONTEXT ?: REDIRECT_TYPO3_CONTEXT ?: "Production"
        * new Core\ApplicationContext
            * A TYPO3 Application context is something like "Production", "Development",
            * "Production/StagingSystem", and is set using the TYPO3_CONTEXT environment variable.
            * Mainly, you will use $context->isProduction(), $context->isTesting() and
            * $context->isDevelopment() inside your custom code.
        * defineTypo3RequestTypes
            - TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE_FE
            - TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE_BE
    * bootstrap->initializeClassLoader
        registers the classloader as an "early instance"
    * bootstrap->setRequestType
        - TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE: one of the above
    * bootstrap->baseSetup
        * SystemEnvironmentBuilder::run
            * defineBaseConstants
                - version info
                - external links
                - NUL, TAB, LF, CR, SUB, CRLF
                - security
                - OS
                - errors
            * definePaths
                - TYPO3_mainDir
                - PATH_thisScript
                - PATH_site
                - PATH_typo3
                - PATH_typo3conf
            * checkMainPathsExist
                - .../sysext
            * initializeGlobalVariables
                reset $GLOBALS: error, TYPO3_MISC, T3_VAR, T3_SERVICES
            * initializeGlobalTimeTrackingVariables
                - variables for time tracking, logging, etc.
            * initializeBasicErrorReporting
                error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_STRICT | E_NOTICE | E_DEPRECATED));
        * GeneralUtility::presetApplicationContext
            sets GeneralUtility::applicationContext
    * bootstrap->checkIfEssentialConfigurationExists
        * new Core\Configuration\ConfigurationManager
            register as "early instance"
            (rather ugly side effect!)
        * check for
            - LocalConfiguration.php (cm->getLocalConfigurationFileLocation)
            - PATH_typo3conf . PackageStates.php
        * or bootstrap->redirectToInstallTool
    * loop bootstrap->registerRequestHandlerImplementation
        - Frontend\Http\RequestHandler
        - Frontend\Http\EidRequestHandler
    * bootstrap->configure
        * startOutputBuffering
        * loadConfigurationAndInitialize
            * populateLocalConfiguration
            * initializeErrorHandling
            * optionally disableCoreCache
            * initializeCachingFramework
            * initializePackageManagement
            * initializeRuntimeActivatedPackagesFromConfiguration
            * defineUserAgentConstant
            * registerExtDirectComponents
            * setCacheHashOptions
            * setDefaultTimezone
            * initializeL10nLocales
            * convertPageNotFoundHandlingToBoolean
            * setMemoryLimit
            * optionally: ensureClassLoadingInformationExists
        * loadTypo3LoadedExtAndExtLocalconf
            * ExtensionManagementUtility::loadExtLocalconf
        * setFinalCachingFrameworkCacheConfiguration
            * CacheManager->setCacheConfigurations:
        * defineLoggingAndExceptionConstants
            This constants are set from variables!!!
            - TYPO3_DLOG: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS.SYS.enable_DLOG
            - TYPO3_ERROR_DLOG: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS.SYS.enable_errorDLOG
            - TYPO3_EXCEPTION_DLOG: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS.SYS.enable_exceptionDLOG
        * unsetReservedGlobalVariables
            * Unsetting reserved global variables:
            * Those are set in "ext:core/ext_tables.php" file or otherwise:
                - PAGES_TYPES
                - TCA
                - TBE_MODULES
                - TBE_STYLES
                - BE_USER
                - TBE_MODULES_EXT
                - TCA_DESCR
                - LOCAL_LANG
        * initializeTypo3DbGlobal
            * creates Core\Database\DatabaseConnection
            * configures it in a complex process
              * This includes:
            * Set it to $TYPO3_DB
            * $TYPO3_DB->initialize
              Delegated to DBAL
* ->run