Getting Started With Functional Testing

Wikipedia names following steps as part of functional testing.

  • The identification of functions that the software is expected to perform
  • The creation of input data based on the function’s specifications
  • The determination of output based on the function’s specifications
  • The execution of the test case
  • The comparison of actual and expected outputs

A Minimal Functional Test

A TYPO3 funtional test extends extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\FunctionalTestCase.

namespace ElmarHinz\Ehfaq\Tests\Functional;

use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection;

class HelloWorldTest extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\FunctionalTestCase

     * @test
    public function fixtureIsUp()
        $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
        $this->assertInstanceOf(DatabaseConnection::class, $db);


The functional tests inside an extension are stored in the directory Tests/Funtional or a subdirectory of it.

Running Functional Tests

# Running all functional tests of the core from the web root (`app/web/`)
typo3DatabaseName="test" typo3DatabaseUsername="dev" \
typo3DatabasePassword="dev" typo3DatabaseHost="" \
../vendor/bin/phpunit -c typo3/sysext/core/Build/FunctionalTests.xml

# Running all functional tests inside an extension
typo3DatabaseName="test" typo3DatabaseUsername="dev" \
typo3DatabasePassword="dev" typo3DatabaseHost="" \
../vendor/bin/phpunit -c typo3/sysext/core/Build/FunctionalTests.xml \

# Running one test file inside an extension
typo3DatabaseName="test" typo3DatabaseUsername="dev" \
typo3DatabasePassword="dev" typo3DatabaseHost="" \
../vendor/bin/phpunit -c typo3/sysext/core/Build/FunctionalTests.xml \

The Class Hierarchy



From here on upwards the hierarchy is shard with the Unit Tests. See BaseTestCase.


Source code description

 * Base test case class for functional tests, all TYPO3 CMS
 * functional tests should extend from this class!
 * If functional tests need additional setUp() and tearDown() code,
 * they *must* call parent::setUp() and parent::tearDown() to properly
 * set up and destroy the test system.
 * The functional test system creates a full new TYPO3 CMS instance
 * within typo3temp/ of the base system and the bootstraps this TYPO3 instance.
 * This abstract class takes care of creating this instance with its
 * folder structure and a LocalConfiguration, creates an own database
 * for each test run and imports tables of loaded extensions.
 * Functional tests must be run standalone (calling native phpunit
 * directly) and can not be executed by eg. the ext:phpunit backend module.
 * Additionally, the script must be called from the document root
 * of the instance, otherwise path calculation is not successfully.
 * Call whole functional test suite, example:
 * - cd /var/www/t3master/foo  # Document root of CMS instance, here is index.php of frontend
 * - typo3/../bin/phpunit -c typo3/sysext/core/Build/FunctionalTests.xml
 * Call single test case, example:
 * - cd /var/www/t3master/foo  # Document root of CMS instance, here is index.php of frontend
 * - typo3/../bin/phpunit \
 *     --process-isolation \
 *     --bootstrap typo3/sysext/core/Build/FunctionalTestsBootstrap.php \
 *     typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Functional/DataHandling/DataHandlerTest.php



If the test case needs additional core extensions as requirement, they can be noted here and will be added to LocalConfiguration extension list and ext_tables.sql of those extensions will be applied. A default list of core extensions is always loaded: core, backend, frontend, lang, extbase, install.


Array of test/fixture extensions paths that should be loaded for a test. Given path is expected to be relative to your document root.


Array of test/fixture folder or file paths that should be linked for a test. Given paths are expected to be relative to the test instance root. The array keys are the source paths and the array values are the destination paths.

        : 'fileadmin/user_upload',
        : 'uploads/tx_myownext',

This configuration array is merged with TYPO3_CONF_VARS that are set in default configuration and factory configuration.


Array of folders that should be created inside the test instance document root.

[ 'fileadmin/user_upload', ]

Per default the following folder are created:


The fixture which is used when initializing a backend user. Default: typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/be_users.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <password>$1$tCrlLajZ$C0sikFQQ3SWaFAZ1Me0Z/1</password> <!-- password -->


setup:Creates a full test instance typo3temp/var/tests/functional-[id]. Sets up a database [prefix]_[id]. Takes the above settings into account.
 Preferrred over $GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_DB’].
 This user must exist in the fixture file.
importDataSet:Imports a data set represented as XML into the test database.
 Specified by page id and TypoScript files.
 Call the FE output of localhost by page id and other optional parameters.

Testing Frontend Output

The Test

Testing FE output requires to fill the tables pages and sys_template with a minimum of setup. Afterwards the FE output can be tested by the method getFrontendResponse.

namespace ElmarHinz\Ehfaq\Tests\Functional;

class HelloPageTest extends \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\FunctionalTestCase
    protected $testExtensionsToLoad = [ 'typo3conf/ext/ehfaq' ];

    public function setUp()

     * @test
    public function simplePageOutput()
        $response = $this->getFrontendResponse(1);
        $this->assertContains("<p>Hello world!</p>",



While the data into the table pages is imported with a general approach based on XML (importDataSet), the data into the table sys_templates is inserted by a dedicated method for TS . It doesn’t insert the full TS but inserts include links to the static templates. The following string is generated and actually inserted. <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:typo3conf/ext/ehfaq/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/Page.ts">.

The Fixtures

A Page Tree as XML

The core provides a fixture for a small page tree in the XML file typo3/sysext/core/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/pages.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    [ ... shortened ... ]

        <title>Root 2</title>

A Minimal TypoScript Setup

I put the minimal TypoScript setup into the extension into the TS file EXT:ehfaq/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/Hello.ts.

page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = <p>Hello world!</p>